Monday, September 21, 2009

Peaks and Valleys

Dear all,
so i still have no idea who amber is marrying... Thats weird, i thought she was getting married in december. Well, tell her good luck getting married.
So all is well here. We can´t help but talk about how little time we have left in the mission, but we are trying as hard as we can to stay animated(excited) we had a really good week this lasyt week in which two girls tols us they want to be baptised. One will be baptised this friday. We normally do it on saturdays, but i got a call last week from mauricio. I don´t know if i told you, but last week in transfers the mission president asked me to stand up, so i did. He said, "(in spanish) Elder Haws, i have good news. Mauricio Odio and his family are getting sealed on the 26th of october and you will be there¨
Well, i was about the most excited anyone has ever been. Mauricio called me the next day, and i was so excited to talk to him. Itr has been about a year since i talked to him. Well, long story short, we will be going to san jose on friday afternoon to be in the sealing on satureday moprning, so we are going to have the baptism on friday morning.
Other than that, all is well. Having lived in this house here for six months, i kindof lost interest in cleaning it. It got a bit messy, and so now that nay got here, we cleaned up A LOT. Good news is the house is clean.
This week elder nay let me read his book called "Peaks and valleys" It is awesome and i would recommend it to anyone that need to be inspired. Well, after reading it, i decided we should go climb a montain, so we went to the nearest one in our area. We knocked doors on the way and then knocked to door at the very top. We found a lot of great people that we are going to visit tomorrow. After reading the book, i have had a desire to do awesome things, so today for pday we decided to follow this river(actually rio claro) up towards the mountain, so we went with our district. It was hard, and a few of the missionarries were acting like laman and lemuel, but elder nay and i just telling them to keep following us. Luckily, then it started raining. Well, we got soaked, but we fiunally got to the road we were looking for. It was very satisfying to explore like that. Anyway, thats about all for now. I am very excited for these next four months. We are working like crazy, and i truly have become the missionarry of my dreams. I look forward to golfing with everyone when i get home, but i am definately not good.
Thanks for all,
Love Elder Haws

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